Posted by Jerry on August 11th, 2004 — Posted in Journal, Technology
I watched the movie “Timeline” tonight – hired on dvd – a fun action movie based on Michael Crichton’s novel of the same name. The story involves an archeologist who is transported back in time using the concept of breaking the 3D person down into packets of information and ‘faxing’ the data to another place – except a wormhole gets in the way and sends them back in time.
I thought I’d look at the purported principle and found that, for example, the ANU has actually achieved quantum teleportation of a few photons of light. It makes use of a principle known as the “Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlation” or “entanglement” to impart information (spin) from one particle to another. The folks at IBM manage to explain it quite well in this site at
Fascinating concept, but I think I might wait a while before giving it a whirl…
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Posted by Jerry on August 10th, 2004 — Posted in Journal, Travel, Writing
I have just finished reading William Gibson’s book Pattern Recognition – this has to be one of his best books (yes Neuromancer was and remains stunning) – once again demonstrating how great writer Gibson is. i love his use of language, and the description of jet lag as having to wait for the soul to catch the body is an enduring image. His opening line:
“Five hours’ New York jet lag and Cayce Pollard wakes in Camden Town to the dire and ever-circling wolves of disrupted circadian rhythm.”
This is a must-read book!
must go
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Posted by Jerry on August 8th, 2004 — Posted in Journal, Writing
I’ve been wrestling with an old novel idea that has come back to haunt me from my 1996 electronic archives. Discussing the concept (parallel worlds story) with an author acquaintance who seems hell bent on getting me to write this thing and publish it, I have come to reflect on my own sense of hybridity. The academic Jonathon Lamb once noted in a lecture a couple of years back that Horace (?) had said that travel makes us monstrous to our own kind. Whether it was Horace or someone else of the Classical era, they were right!
Not only are we irrevocably changed by our contact with another culture, but our return is rendered problematic. And not just our return to the country of origin, but the return a year later to the adoptive country is equally difficult, because the return ‘home’ means we also see the adoptive country once more as an outsider. In the novel idea I’ve been sketching out the heroine is precipitated into another world, where there are differences in culture, technology, approach to communication – many differences, and the difficulties she encounters in ‘reading’ the nuances of the new culture. But there will also be questions about her return – will she be welcomed back, having been ‘written off’ as a permanent departure, and what of her return when she gets to see her own culture as a stranger? Will her return be taken as a threat to the old world order?
What is clear is that the heroine will remain a hybrid in her own culture. As we all are in various ways, whether we move between classes, or just move to another state, or just learn to think differently – whatever the form the travel takes, the outcome seems inevitable – we are changed by our experience, and those around us notice our change and are unsure of their own reaction to that change.
So much for my musings on a Sunday evening!
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Posted by Jerry on August 6th, 2004 — Posted in Journal, Music
What a top night! An excellent crowd, a super audience and dinner thrown in as well 🙂 Such was the ANU PARSA (Postgraduate and Research Student’s Association) bush dance tonight held at St John’s Hall in Reid (in Canberra Australia).
It’s a great venue and well suited to the crowd size of about 250-300: an ideal dance size (although we have played played dances at more than ten times that size). We took a camera along so I thought I’d share some of the images from tonight

Dancer’s view

stage view

a dance in full swing

The view from behind my head

Butch the guitar player, tuning

Yeah, that’s me

A dance in longways sets
Anyhow it was a great night with a wonderful crowd – really getting into the dances as you can see
But now it’s time for me to get some sleep!
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Posted by Jerry on August 5th, 2004 — Posted in Journal, Travel
Winter in Canberra
The hills behind Parliament house were coated in a beautiful light sprinkling of snow, so I had to take a quick photo this morning as I pulled in to work – and I thought I’d share it with you

Canberra – Parliament House with now on the Brindabella hills
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