Travel fiddles

Posted by Jerry on June 21st, 2007 — Posted in Journal, Music, Travel

Travel fiddles are not new. Dancing masters of the 17th century needed a portable instrument that could be played in homes in order to teach dancing to young ladies and gentlemen. So the problem of portability has always been an issue. In these days of air travel, a compact travel instrument is a useful item. There are several modern ‘backpackers’ guitars and mandolins, and very few backpackers fiddles or violins.

When at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London I not only paid homage to the hardanger fiddle on which mine is based, but found these delightful instruments that might well serve as the basis for a decent backpacker violin.

The first were a couple of ‘pochette’ fiddles – designed to fit both fiddle and bow into a small leather tube which could be easily carried or placed in a deep pocket in one’s coat.

pochette violin

The bow appears to be about one quarter size.

And this one

pochette violin

But possibly the most practical and one I am tempted to model is this one – more box-like and closer to modern backpacker mandolins

pochette violin

Something like this with a half-size bow could well fit into a carry-on bag – ideal for those jet-lagged late nights in hotel rooms – a nice quiet instrument to play a few tunes on

Now this bears further thought!


Arkwright’s textile machines

Posted by Jerry on June 20th, 2007 — Posted in History, Journal, Technology

They may look basic, but these machines helped bring about a revolution – the Industrial Revolution no less! These were the machines that Ned Ludd – founder of the Luddites movement protested so violently against. He realised that by mechanising certain processes, there would be massive social upheaval as people were replaced by machines. You can see these examples for yourself at London’s Science Museum in South Kensington.

Arkwright spinning machine

Richard Arkwright developed these innovations (not inventions – they had precursors) into a system between 1765 and 1775 – about the time Capt James Cook was checking out the transit of venus and checking out the east coast of Australia. The system came to be known as the textile mill or factory.

This concept arose from his appreciation that the manufacture of cotton yarn was a series of discrete operations that could be carried out by special purpose machines, brought together in one place and driven from a single power source, such as a water mill, or later, a steam engine. Before this time, most textiles were produced individually in cottage industries by spinners and weavers. The production of cotton lagged way behind that of wool or linen.

But there were impacts. The factory system brought England to the forefront of textile manufacturing in the nineteenth century, but it also brought about the collapse of the of the Indian cotton industry – while demand for raw cotton sustained the slave economy in the USA.

Carding machine
According to the museum info cards the carding machine disentangles, loosens and straightens the cotton fibres. The fibres are fed between two drums which are covered with leather ‘cards’ embedded with bent wire teeth. A third drum strips off the fibres in a continuous sheet which is then lifted off to form a ‘sliver’.

carding machine

Lantern drawing frame
The sliver is then passed to the lantern frame where it is elongated and narrowed, while being twisted to that it becomes strong enough to handle. The sliver is then called a ‘roving’ or ‘slubbing’ (hence the term ‘slub linen’).

Lantern drawing frame

Four spool and eight spool spinning machines
The four spool machine closely resembles the design Arkwright patented in 1769. Both machines spin yarnfrom teh cotton rovings produced by the drawing frame.

The later eight-spooled machine effectively doubled output. Both were powered by water wheels.
spinning machine

The eight-spool machine was effectively two four-spool machines joined together.

Arkwright spinning machine


Paris – signs

Posted by Jerry on June 19th, 2007 — Posted in Journal, Travel

Signs communicate a lot about a culture – both in terms of what they say, and how they say it. Signs show the boundaries of a society’s identity, marking the limits, or reflecting on the limits, such as where a sign has been altered, or where non-official signs are placed, such as graffiti and stencil art.

Paris is a place with style – its street signs are not merely utilitarian, but are artistically designed too.

This sign was designed in the 1920s

This one also gives the significance of the name – in this case the first female musical director of the orchestra.

Not all big yellow ‘M’ signs refer to a scottish restaurant – this one points out the entrance to the Metro station – the underground subway train system


And in a city where motorbikes dominate the traffic – and the parking, it’s interesting to see that mopeds here are have their own separate identity – even in the process of saying ‘No Parking’


Some signs point to good food 🙂

Others, such as this stencil sign on a footpath present a warning against/of racism.


This one loosely says

“Foreigners, don’t leave us alone with these “french” that are full of fear of the other, and superiority feeling.”

– thanks to ‘Frenchguy’ who left a comment below.

A Google translation yielded:

Abroad (Foreign visitors). Do not leave us alone with these ‘French’. Beef fear another ox’s sense of superiority

It seems ambiguous, and it is difficult to know whether the ‘beef’ refers to Frankish french or immigrant French. Either way this place clearly still has some issues with multicultural integration – unofficially of course. [NB see comment by ‘French guy” below – I could be reading this incorrectly, I would love to think this was an internationalist message as this guy reckons – please confirm or otherwise which is the most accurate translation 🙂 Thanks – Jerry]

Other stencil art is truly charming – like this one in Montmartre’s artist district


Just beyond this sign were quite a number of portrait artists touting for the tourist euro – several of them were quite good too.

And the French are proud of their (relatively) tidy streets (aside from the animal droppings). This sign tells people not to throw their rubbish under penalty of a fine. By order of the sanitation department of Paris.


And that’s just a few of the myriad signs that adorn Paris 🙂


Paris – Sacre Coeur gargoyles

Posted by Jerry on June 18th, 2007 — Posted in Journal, Travel

Most people looking for Gargoyles in Paris go straight to the Notre Dame cathedral where they will find the same gargoyles that are on every postcard. Perhaps it is reassuring that you can actually see the ones in the postcards. But if you head up to the top of the Montmartre butte – in one of Paris’ most fascinating quarters, you will find the basilica of Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart). This church was built in 1875 to commemorate the the defeat of the Paris Commune in 1871 (those who refused to acknowledge that Paris had been given up to the Prussians.

Paris Sacre Coeur

Its domed roofs dominate Paris from its elevated position. And to reward you for climbing the steep streets and stairways you are greeted by a magnificent building with wonderful stained glass, amazing acoustics for the choir and of course gothic gargoyles.


Gargoyles once served the very practical purpose of funneling water from the roof when it rains and directing the resultant jet of water out away from the foundations where the water could cause real damage. Yes, gargoyles are water spouts with a decorative aspect to them too.


There is a colourful description of how the gargoyles represent a dragon said to have been killed by St Romanus, that lived near the Seine and demanded annual sacrifices of young maidens and seamen. But today it serves as a great spot for people to meet and have a romantic view over Paris that is not the Eiffel Tower.


And there are grotesques too – like this image of a monk





Paris architecture

Posted by Jerry on June 16th, 2007 — Posted in Journal, Travel

Every corner has a cafe´ and these are the soul of Paris. That and boulangeries – bakeries – home of the baguette that feeds a nation in precisely the way that burgers don’t in the USA.

Paris cafe

Every corner has a surprise – whether a curiosity shop or the narrow cobbled streets

Paris corner

Or even a sign…

Electric car sign

But probably the thing I find most striking are the boulevards of art nouveau buildings throughout central Paris. And each has flower boxes bursting with colour from every balcony

Paris art nouveau

Paris art nouveau

Even the doorways are striking for their flair

Paris art nouveau

And some places are just special – like this circus supplies shop in Montmartre called Bonjour Artiste

Paris circus shop

Which is of course just below the great church of Sacre Coeur (Sacred heart)

Paris Sacre Coeur

Then from the sublime to…

Paris Moulin Rouge

Yes it’s the 1927 copy of the Red Mill Theatre, made famous for spectacularly unclad dancers, the music of Jacques Offenbach, and more recently a film by Baz Luhrmann starring Australian Actress Nicole Kidman. Interestingly, severl of the dancers are Australian! Here is a link to the Moulin Rouge website, where you can read about the history of the theatre, and see video of the dancers.

And at the end of the day you can relax in the garden near the Sacre Coeur.

Paris garden

This is close to where Amelie led the moped rider on a wild goose chase with the binoculars.

So I’ll leave it there for today
