Fitness challenge Week 1 – 69,389 steps

Posted by Jerry on July 17th, 2006 — Posted in Journal

It all started a week ago, when Sharon started a challenge among her online friends to walk 10,000 steps a day to improve fitness. The challenge was to blog a photo once a week of the pedometer – thus making it a public challenge, and the results publicly visible. As someone with a desk job, it seemed a reasonable way to go, and surely not too arduous. And something that could be worked into one’s normal day, without having to travel to a gym or buy outlandish medieval torture devices. Just a discreet little pedometer. And so it began.

By day two I realised that a desk job usually involves walking about 4-5,000 steps – and it was quickly apparent that I would need to do more to get the requisite number of steps up. Moreover, by the end of day two I realised I would now need to exceed 10,000 steps a day in order to catch up my deficit. Then i remembered the time I put on my pedometer set to zero before playing a show, and after three hours had 40,000 steps done… Ah – a bit of fiddle practice should do the trick!

And it nearly did – after the first seven days, here is the result:

pedometer 16 July 2006



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[…] On a personal note my workroom is still in chaos so, although I promised a photo today, I am still sorting and putting stuff away. Photos will be up as soon as it is done. I have sore feet from all the standing and sorting! Jerry posted his pedometer count yesterday and is fiddling his way to health […]

Posted on July 18, 2006 at 8:17 am

Comment by Austin Cook

What are the best brands of pedometer on the market?;:,

Posted on July 3, 2010 at 2:07 pm

Comment by jerry

Mine’s an Omicron – seems to work pretty well.


Posted on July 3, 2010 at 4:43 pm

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