Leonardo’s helicopter – flying model

Posted by jerry on October 7th, 2007 — Posted in DIY, Journal, Woodwork

Some time ago I built a flying model of Leonardo’s helicopter – so many people said it would never fly, but I had read that the original was based on a flying toy, and proceeded on that basis to make a toy using technology available in teh Renaissance period to make a flying model of Leonardo’s helicopter. And it worked (ok not very well, but it did work). You can see the results here…

I have put full instructions on how to make it on my web site (just follow the link).

You can buy commercial models, such as from Gakken in Japan, but I think it’s more interesting and fun to build your own at a fraction of the price 🙂


Table update #5 – Spot the deliberate…

Posted by jerry on October 5th, 2007 — Posted in Journal, Woodwork

I wasn’t happy with the breadboard ends – there was too large a gap between the breadboard ends and the rest of the table top, and I wasn’t happy with the amount of play in the end dowels. So, as the saying goes “if it offends thee, cut it off…” Out with the circular saw guided by a board carefully lined up square and clamped to the table.

I then chiseled off the stubs and re-dressed the jarrah on the jointer. Next, I re-drilled the outer dowel holes so there was only about 3mm play to allow for expansion and reassembled the ends. Much closer fit, and better support from the breadboard supports for the (now slightly shorter) table top.

Then it was a quick trip to the hardware store to get some fiberglass resin – polyester resin and hardener, and set about filling the sap cavities – using two steps for the deeper ones.

After allowing it to set, I began sanding the top. The excessive vibration on the triton orbital sander attachment gave brief warning before the yellow sponge pad parted company with the balance weight and flew across the table shedding a yellow powder. Well, the instructions did say it was not recommended for use on varnished surfaces! Friction from the resin overheated the attachment in exactly the way that oil finishes don’t – and I paid the price. AUS$39 for a new sponge pad. I’ll still use it for the final finish, but the initial sanding will be by belt sander.

triton orbital sander

triton orbital sander

I’m beginning to see why bespoke tables are so expensive! But we’re nearly there now (with luck). More after the finishing is complete and the top ready to mount onto the frame.


Table update 4 – Breadboard ends

Posted by jerry on October 2nd, 2007 — Posted in Journal, Woodwork

In the morning I set out and managed to get a nice board of jarrah – a red mahogany-like Australian hardwood. It’s not cheap – as befits a high quality low volume timber.

And the contrast is excellent. I read a pile of articles on making breadboard ends, but I suspect that these are not WIDE breadboard ends because they talk of holding them in with a couple of dowels. Jarrah is dense and heavy, as is the rest of the table top. So I cast around my workshop for some ideas an decided that some 25mm square jarrah left over from the aprons were long enough to run as supports the length of the table.

I held the boards in with three dowels glued , and ran a bead of glue for about 200mm in the centre, figuring that any expansion would take place towards the outer edges. I then drilled dowel holes in the end-grain of the table top and glued the dowels in, but the outside ones in the breadboard ends I rendered as slots to allow for the movement.

table loose dowel

I’ve probably allowed too much here, and I’ll assess that tomorrow – I may recut these.

Anyhow the top is glued up and is starting to look like the finished table. Here is the current stage, just prior to the sanding and finishing – It’s starting to come together now as a visual statement



Table update 3 – assembling the table top

Posted by jerry on October 1st, 2007 — Posted in DIY, Journal, Woodwork

The table top is now biscuited, glued and clamped and the glue should be cured by morning 🙂


Having set up the router on the Triton Mark 3 saw bench, and set up the biscuit jointer attachment I set about cutting slots for the 28 biscuits that make up the top – four biscuits per join, across seven joins (eight boards).

Relaxing over lunch I thought I’d check out what other users have said about the biscuit jointer attachment, and was surprised to find several advising against the Triton version on the basis that they couldn’t joint long boards to make, for example, bench or table tops. So I thought I’d set the record straight – you can cut biscuit slots in large boards. In fact the sliding extension table makes it very easy to handle large boards, such as when jointing pairs of boards to make up a table top.

And here’s the proof!

To make the table top I biscuit jointed the boards in pairs, and glued and assembled them and clamped them for about 2 hours, then I took the board pairs and biscuited them, finally setting them onto the Torquata panel clamps for the final full width glue-up. I set the lower clamp legs across the table frame, then laid out the boards in sequence and ran a glue line along each length, inserted the biscuits and closed the seam. Then onto the next and so on until the whole table top was assembled. Then I added the clamp upper and the hardware and clamped the whole thing tight.

Tomorrow I’ll make the breadboard ends – hopefully out of Australian mahogany-like jarrah to match the table aprons.
