The next world event

Posted by Jerry on July 8th, 2004 — Posted in Journal, Writing

Someone got wrapped up talking about “after 9/11, what’s the next big world event?” And he was thinking of all these negative things… so I said: “what if the next big thing were POSITIVE?” and in quick succession came up with three:

1. next big world event: viral song gets loose from the Eurovision song contest and gets stuck in 400 million heads at once. Police called to ensure massed joggers crossing the Brooklyn bridge don’t jog in synch with each other…

2. crazed moped riders swarm onto the freeways making a mockery of speed limits…

3. Bio-terrorists release a cure for the common cold – western
economies stagger under the weight of increased productivity…

Of course we all know that the next big world event will be the Olympic Games in Athens – May this one be just about sports and spectacle


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