Steam gramophone

Posted by Jerry on October 22nd, 2008 — Posted in DIY, Music, Steam, Technology

Geoff Hudspith, UK inventor and steam enthusiast has built a steam powered gramophone to play records at the various steam fairs he attends.

Powered by a small Stuart single cylinder double-acting steam engine, the gramophone took four years – between other projects – to complete. Water is fed into the boiler by a hand pump and an injector, and then heated by kerosene. The gramophone is fairly standard with the speed regulated by spring weights and the exhaust steam is cleverly vented through the sound horn.

You can see more and hear the gramophone on the BBC website.

Here is another view of it at a steam fair in Denmark

This is the ultimate in steampunk entertainment!

Here is a different gramophone powered by a stirling hot-air motor. This one is a Paillard “Maestrophone No. 205” gramophone manufactured in Switzerland between 1910 and 1914.


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