Photographing the moon

Posted by Jerry on November 20th, 2007 — Posted in Journal, New media, Technology

The Fuji Finepix camera S5700 has a ten ttimes optical zoom and is a 7 megapixel camera. I particularly like the large lens size as it copes well with relatively low light conditions, such as indoor evening shots. But my standard test for a camera is how well it takes a moon shot at its greatest zoom. And here is the result


It was taken using the the full zoom and full digital zoom on the Manual setting (shutterspeed 500, aperture F3.5 ISO100) – okay I’m impressed – and it cost no more than the canon powershot cameras I had used before. I had looked at these cameras before, but was put off by the XD card media – well now they have updated and take both XD and SD cards – making them compatible (finally) with most card readers.

This camera is excellent value for money and a great entry camera if the prices of digital SLR cameras have been putting you off.


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